Fret Files are for Saddles
© Frank Ford, 9/26/98; Photos by FF, 9/22/98
Here it is, the classic too made for rounding ("crowning")
frets after they're filed level:
It's a fine tool, a file with concave edges and precisely cut teeth down inside that
concave edge. But for me, it's a great tool for rounding the tops of guitar saddles
to produce just the right contour.
Lots of old Martin guitars, and many vintage reissues have their saddles glued in
place for extra strength. That makes it difficult to cut the saddle neatly when lowering
the action.
I've found that my fret file makes just the right tool for the job of rounding the
saddle top once I've filed it to the proper height.
I introduce the end of my fret file to Mr. Beltsander, to produce a very sharp front
Then, using it as a chisel, I simply "plow" along the top edge of the saddle:
Its like a chisel with a 90-degree cutting angle, and it scrapes easily without digging
In no time flat, I've countoured the top of the saddle to a very nice curvature:
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