This old mandolin banjo has a familar problem. The
neck has pulled forward as a result of the high tension of eight strings
tuned to pitch. In fact, the neck has moved so far that the cantilevered
fingerboard touches the head. |
The neck attachment bolt has pulled loose and the heel
cracked, possibly as a result of overtightening in an attempt to pull
the neck back in to alignment. |
Additionally, the dowel stick has warped considerably! |
If you look closely, you can see that the loose
attachment bolt is pulling a section of the central black veneer along
with it. |
With the heel cap off, it's easy to see the problem
and remove the bolt. |
The bolt had a simple bend that would have held it
agains the strain of tightening, except it appears
that the black dye used in this veneer had caused it to deteriorate over
time. |
The dowel was completely loose, too, so it was easy
to remove. To compensate for the warp in the stick, I rotated it
180 degrees and reglued it in place with some nice fresh hide glue. |
I replaced the loose section of dyed black wood with
ebony. |
In order to provide a solid mounting for my new bolt,
I drilled out the heel using a 3/4" end mill to make a nice flat bottom
hole. |
A maple plug with the grain oriented at 90 degrees
to the axis of the neck would resist splitting. |
And, as another safety feature, I made up a new heel
cap with a cross grain layer of maple underneath and an ebony layer for
the outside. |
Once I had the binding glued on, the heel cap looked
as if it were solid ebony. |
Here's the bolt I used to replace the L-shaped original. It's
a standard banjo neck attachment these days. |
Set into the maple cross grain plug, the wood screws
on this bolt will handle pretty much any amount of screw tightening. |
Here's the assembly back together after a little finish
touchup. |
Now I can set this one up with a nice tall bridge and
low action. . . |